Establishing a global corporate fundraising programme
HIPZ – Health Improvement Project Zanzibar – is a UK-registered charity with big plans to improve healthcare for everyone in Zanzibar, Africa.
They work in two hospitals, in health centres and out in the community and cover everything from newborn care to emergency medicine. Bonnie worked with HIPZ for 1.5 years to help make the organisation more sustainable by scoping out the feasibility for the new revenue stream of corporate support. Preparing a corporate fundraising strategy, scoping out relevant prospects and preparing various corporate engagement opportunities resulted in new corporate support for the charity including multi-year funding from a major pharma company. Bonnie’s work culminated in helping the charity to recruit a new fundraising manager to manage new partnerships secured and providing mentoring for the role for 6 months to follow.
Most memorable moment: Visiting one of the hospitals in Makunduchi that HIPZ supports and meeting all of the amazing people behind the project face-to-face.